CIMdata PLM Industry Summary Online Archive

20 August 2012

Product News

ZWCAD+ Integrates More Applications to Diversify Design Experience

ZWCAD Design today officially announced ZWCAD+ has successfully integrated CivilCAD, a renowned CAD application for Hispanic civil engineering and surveying, because of ZWCAD+’s code-level APIs compatibility. With more popular applications like CivilCAD ported with high efficiency, ZWCAD+ is now able to integrate more custom design solutions, and thus satisfy different needs of designers with a competitive price.

“Ever since the release of ZWCAD+ Beta, we have been working closely with a lot of application developers across the globe,” said Kingdom Lin, Director of ZWCAD+ Overseas Business. “After the success of CADprofi, we were once again amazed by how quickly more developers ported their applications, including CivilCAD onto ZWCAD+. These successful cases speaks volumes about the quality of ZWCAD+’s APIs. We are confident that in the coming days, more users will be able to enjoy additional custom design solutions that integrates ZWCAD+’s powerful CAD capability.”

As one of the recent successfully ported applications, CivilCAD is a professional CAD application for Hispanic civil engineering and surveying, used by government agencies, construction companies, and universities.

“We were suprised by how little time it took to port CivilCAD to ZWCAD+. It saved us a lot of time and showed how much ZWCAD+ has improved. By porting CivilCAD to it, we are happy to see, users are able to automate and simplify civil construction design tasks in an environment that offers great design experience. Meanwhile, for users who are accustomed to other mainstream CAD software, switching to the beginner-friendly ZWCAD+ demands little relearning time.” commented Héctor Martinez, CEO of CivilCAD. “Together with ZWCAD+, we dramatically bring down the overall cost for those who use ZWCAD+ and CivilCAD as their design solution.”

It only took 3 months for CivilCAD to migrate to ZWCAD+. The excellent APIs ensure the successful migration. It greatly improves the efficiency of porting and effectiveness of running apps to ZWCAD+.

“We really appreciate CivilCAD’s effort in porting their application to ZWCAD+. It is a win-win. On one hand, they can make the most out of our huge existing customer base in the Hispanic market where our partner network is tightly-knit.” said Kingdom Lin. “On the other, by working with CivilCAD, we are able to bring Hispanic users an all-encompassing CAD solution integrated with CivilCAD at a compelling cost.”

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