CIMdata PLM Industry Summary Online Archive

21 September 2012

Implementation Investments

RuleDesigner and Cefla: a Successful Partnership for Continuous Innovation.

Cefla sc, the Italian business operating worldwide for 80 years in the furniture, dental, finishing and civil and industrial system industry, is an established partner that reconfirms its confidence by choosing RuleDesigner as an extended enterprise solution.

RuleDesigner is already operating as a PDM management system, with independent implementations in Cefla Finishing Group, Cefla Arredamenti Group (furniture) and Cefla Dental Group. Each division benefits from the multi-site management of technical data which supports co-design and collaborative processes among the various partner companies pertaining to the group.

RuleDesigner is even used, with great satisfaction, as a relationship channel to interact with providers. Thanks to a dedicated web portal, RuleDesigner allows to share data in real time giving users the possibility to consult purchasing orders, published technical information, latest reviews and the history of the PDM part numbers with data, drawings, BOMs and PDM-related documentation.

Cefla Finishing Group, international leader in the wood and coating industry, has expanded the use of RuleDesigner to the sales department introducing integrated tools for managing relationships with customers (CRM) and sales-force automation, including sales offers configuration. The sales team can already make use of the offer configuration processes, available both via web and off-line. Through configuration they can define easily the correct configuration of the product-line and automatically obtain the bid documents, storing them in the correct corporate repository. Furthermore, the marketing department can draw up statistics on special offers starting from structural data coming from configuration processes.

Cefla Dental Group has an ongoing project for which they chose RuleDesigner as a relationship management system, aimed at tracking and organizing in a cross-linked way information for customers, partners, and suppliers and provide after-sales services through the web portal. Among the services offered: automatic storage of exchanged communications, including sent/received emails, activity-planning and history of the tasks carried out, business data, possibility of storing documents sent/received or linked to the customer, management and consultation of tickets opened and closed. These are just some examples of the added value that only an integrated system can provide.

Finally, Cefla uses RuleDesigner as a Group solution for managing request to accede several informative services and incident tickets (Employee Portal). In addition, the RuleDesigner platform is mapped by both the organization and network of relationships between the group companies, employees, and cost centres. Each entity able to store activities and documents related to the services enabled and/or linked to tickets, in an organized way. Thanks to the help-desk service users can handle approval workflows related to service or incident tickets. Users make use of a configuration process that drives them through the correct formalization of the request and is able to automatically generating tickets by entering them in the correct corporate flows.

About RuleDesigner

RuleDesigner is a wide, innovative web platform thought to deal with the management, automation and integration of PLM extended processes as well as document and relationship management at an enterprise level. By mapping multiple corporate processes in an extended and cross-linked way, RuleDesigner allows to maximize the development of daily activities and cope with the informative needs of the company’s department and stakeholders, supporting the corporate collaboration and relationship network. Moreover, RuleDesigner offers tools both for the automation all along the corporate processes and for the automatic generation of data and documents. It is an extensible and modular solution able to achieve an integrated, homogeneous and structured management of documents, CRM processes, sales-force automation, service, Project management and PDM/PLM systems. Anything, with a wide range of managing and generative functionalities.

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