CIMdata PLM Industry Summary Online Archive

12 March 2013

Product News

EMA Announces Team Design for OrCAD

EMA Design Automation (, announced Team Design for OrCAD facilitating schematic design in a team environment.  “Our engineers saw first-hand the challenges design teams were facing when trying to work collaboratively on schematic projects using traditional methods like shared drives and email threads.  We decided there had to be a better way,” said Manny Marcano, president and CEO of EMA.  “Team Design for OrCAD is the result, providing a truly collaborative and flexible management system for design teams.”

Integrated directly inside the OrCAD Capture interface, Team Design for OrCAD allows engineers to easily view a full history of all current and previous projects.  Project leads can define users and their roles, controlling design responsibilities as well as access rights to specific pages and functional blocks.  Once added to a project, design team members are able to view project status, add new pages, download existing page(s) for editing, and upload any changes back into the system.  

One of the biggest challenges design teams face is making sure engineers are always working on the latest version of the schematic page or project.  Team Design for OrCAD solves this problem with automated page locking upon download.  Page locking prevents edit collisions, while keeping other project members informed of the page’s status, including who is currently editing it.  Once the user uploads the pages back into Team Design for OrCAD, the lock is removed and those pages are again open for editing by authorized users.  

When uploading changes, an engineer is able to enter notes describing the modifications made, ensuring a full audit trail including timestamps and details of all updates made to the project.  Along with upload notes, Team Design for OrCAD maintains all past page revisions, allowing a team to rollback changes easily.  This is very useful when an engineer wants to explore different design possibilities without fear of losing earlier proven versions.  

A key feature of Team Design for OrCAD is that it doesn’t change the current use model for the individual OrCAD Capture user.  Team Design for OrCAD captures the details and history of the design, and allows collaborative activity.  Once a team member gets their pages for editing, they are able to use all of the standard OrCAD functionality as usual.  This means adopting Team Design for OrCAD will require virtually no learning curve.

Since EMA’s customers span a wide range, from small design shops to billion dollar multi-national corporations, Team Design for OrCAD was architected from the start to scale seamlessly and provide value to small and large customers alike.  Whether it is a small group of engineers working in the same office just trying to get a handle on their design data or enterprises with geographically dispersed offices and overseas design partners, Team Design for OrCAD is easily adopted providing immediate productivity gains.

For more information about EMA and the new Team Design for OrCAD, visit EMA at or call 800-813-7494.

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