CIMdata PLM Industry Summary Online Archive

5 November 2013

Events News

PROLIM Sponsors SIMENS PLM Conference at Detroit, MI

This event is one of the PLM World's largest Regional User Group (RUG) event in the country and typically draws crowds of between 500-600 attendees every year.

PLM World follows a strategic plan focusing on communication in both user-to-user as well as user-to-Siemens PLM Software channels. For user-to-user interaction, the organization offers an active membership that communicates at annual conferences, in regional users groups as well as on-line through the PLM World website. Through networking, these users share best practices and techniques for implementing and using the software more effectively.

“PROLIM being Siemens Software Reseller and Strategic Services Partner, PROLIM is happy to sponsor and participate in such a great conference to help our current and future customers to drive innovation to build new products, reduce time to market and cost,” says Prabhu Patil, President of PROLIM.

For user-to-Siemens PLM Software interaction, PLM World manages a Customer Involvement Process, which allows the user community to play a key role in the future development of Siemens products. Through Enhancement Request voting and discussion during special sessions at their annual conferences, users directly affect product direction. In addition, new programs are continuously being designed to increase the value of the Voice of the User. The Members of PLM World will participate in Siemens’ Early Involvement Process to outline members’ technical requirements in the next software release.

At a regional level, their RUGs strengthen the bond they have with their members by providing them a forum for the exchange of ideas locally, and in many cases offer a larger concentration of users with similar needs. The events they hold, typically in the fall, also give users a chance to stay more connected to each other throughout the entire year.

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