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Items filtered by date: November 2022 - CIMdata
I would again like to thank those who took the time to attend my recent Webinar. You can find more information on the session here. While I answered quite a few questions during the session, we ran out of time. In the post below, I endeavor to answer the remaining questions. If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact me at: \n Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! Stan Which Industry segments are rapidly adopting cPDm portfolio? Over the last decade or so there has been a lot of adoption in the retail, footwear, and apparel (RFA) market. This will likely continue as sustainability is a big issue in that market. I do not see Propel PLM, which is a private company. Are they too small to mention? Propel was mentioned during my remarks but did not appear on a
Published in PLM
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Featured Cimdata Reports

PLM-Enabled Digital Transformation Benefits Appraisal Guide

The Guide is designed to help potential PLM users evaluate the applicability and payoffs of PLM in their enterprise, and to help existing users of PLM monitor the impact it is having on their product programs.

PLM Market Analysis Reports

The PLM MAR Series provides detailed information and in-depth analysis on the worldwide PLM market. It contains analyses of major trends and issues, leading PLM providers, revenue analyses for geographical regions and industry sectors, and historical and projected data on market growth.

PLM Market Analysis Country Reports

These reports offer country-specific analyses of the PLM market. Their focus is on PLM investment and use in industrial markets. Reports cover Brazil, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Russia, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Simulation & Analysis Market Analysis Report

This report presents CIMdata’s overview of the global simulation and analysis market, one of the fastest growing segments of the overall product lifecycle management market, including profiles of the leading S&A firms.

CAM Market Analysis Report

This report presents CIMdata’s overview of the worldwide CAM software and services market. It also includes a discussion on the trends in the CAM industry and updates on the top CAM solution providers.