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CIMdata Blog

Citrix just announced a new collaboration with partners that will deliver Design Engineer Virtual Workstation solutions to meet the growing demand for secure anytime, anywhere access to 3D design applications. To help support this announcement, CIMdata recently conducted research on the need for 3D remote visualization technology to support mobile…
Freitag, November 04, 2011

Johnny Bench(mark)

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Back in the 70s when I was much more of a baseball fan, the Cincinnati Reds were the Big Red Machine. Powerful. Efficient. Talented. Complete. Why would I use this as a title for a blog post? Because in our role as strategic consultants to end user companies (60-70% of…
Montag, Juli 25, 2011

(Not So) Cruel Intentions

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When speaking about design processes using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) solutions, people often refer to “engineering intent.” Not being a CAD guy (and not playing one on TV either), I would ask colleagues about exactly what this meant. Most of the conversations left me confused, because they would talk about history…
Montag, Februar 28, 2011

Excuse me, is this seat taken?

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Over the last several months, we have been asked by several players in the PLM economy about “seat counts” for various PLM solutions. This information is generally not published and is almost always confusing. The definition of a “seat” has as many variations as the ones creating the estimate or…
Montag, Februar 21, 2011

Welcome to “The PLM Economy”

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Analysts are often known for creating new words or concepts to describe the world. When it first came out that I was returning to an analyst role at CIMdata, I coined a word that I put on my Twitter feed: Oblogation -noun 1. a blog that a person is bound…
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Featured Cimdata Reports

PLM-Enabled Digital Transformation Benefits Appraisal Guide

The Guide is designed to help potential PLM users evaluate the applicability and payoffs of PLM in their enterprise, and to help existing users of PLM monitor the impact it is having on their product programs.

PLM Market Analysis Reports

The PLM MAR Series provides detailed information and in-depth analysis on the worldwide PLM market. It contains analyses of major trends and issues, leading PLM providers, revenue analyses for geographical regions and industry sectors, and historical and projected data on market growth.

PLM Market Analysis Country Reports

These reports offer country-specific analyses of the PLM market. Their focus is on PLM investment and use in industrial markets. Reports cover Brazil, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Russia, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Simulation & Analysis Market Analysis Report

This report presents CIMdata’s overview of the global simulation and analysis market, one of the fastest growing segments of the overall product lifecycle management market, including profiles of the leading S&A firms.

CAM Market Analysis Report

This report presents CIMdata’s overview of the worldwide CAM software and services market. It also includes a discussion on the trends in the CAM industry and updates on the top CAM solution providers.